copyWith method Null safety
- {double? size,
- double? fill,
- double? weight,
- double? grade,
- double? opticalSize,
- Color? color,
- double? opacity,
- List<
Shadow> ? shadows}
Creates a copy of this icon theme but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
CupertinoIconThemeData copyWith({
double? size,
double? fill,
double? weight,
double? grade,
double? opticalSize,
Color? color,
double? opacity,
List<Shadow>? shadows,
}) {
return CupertinoIconThemeData(
size: size ?? this.size,
fill: fill ?? this.fill,
weight: weight ?? this.weight,
grade: grade ?? this.grade,
opticalSize: opticalSize ?? this.opticalSize,
color: color ?? this.color,
opacity: opacity ?? this.opacity,
shadows: shadows ?? this.shadows,