CssStyleDeclaration class Null safety

Mixed in types


CssStyleDeclaration.css(String css)


alignContent String
Gets the value of "align-content"
read / writeinherited
alignItems String
Gets the value of "align-items"
read / writeinherited
alignSelf String
Gets the value of "align-self"
read / writeinherited
animation String
Gets the value of "animation"
read / writeinherited
animationDelay String
Gets the value of "animation-delay"
read / writeinherited
animationDirection String
Gets the value of "animation-direction"
read / writeinherited
animationDuration String
Gets the value of "animation-duration"
read / writeinherited
animationFillMode String
Gets the value of "animation-fill-mode"
read / writeinherited
animationIterationCount String
Gets the value of "animation-iteration-count"
read / writeinherited
animationName String
Gets the value of "animation-name"
read / writeinherited
animationPlayState String
Gets the value of "animation-play-state"
read / writeinherited
animationTimingFunction String
Gets the value of "animation-timing-function"
read / writeinherited
appearance String
Gets the value of "appearance"
read / writeinherited
appRegion String
Gets the value of "app-region"
read / writeinherited
aspectRatio String
Gets the value of "aspect-ratio"
read / writeinherited
backfaceVisibility String
Gets the value of "backface-visibility"
read / writeinherited
background String
Gets the value of "background"
read / writeoverride
backgroundAttachment String
Gets the value of "background-attachment"
read / writeoverride
backgroundBlendMode String
Gets the value of "background-blend-mode"
read / writeinherited
backgroundClip String
Gets the value of "background-clip"
read / writeinherited
backgroundColor String
Gets the value of "background-color"
read / writeoverride
backgroundComposite String
Gets the value of "background-composite"
read / writeinherited
backgroundImage String
Gets the value of "background-image"
read / writeoverride
backgroundOrigin String
Gets the value of "background-origin"
read / writeinherited
backgroundPosition String
Gets the value of "background-position"
read / writeoverride
backgroundPositionX String
Gets the value of "background-position-x"
read / writeinherited
backgroundPositionY String
Gets the value of "background-position-y"
read / writeinherited
backgroundRepeat String
Gets the value of "background-repeat"
read / writeoverride
backgroundRepeatX String
Gets the value of "background-repeat-x"
read / writeinherited
backgroundRepeatY String
Gets the value of "background-repeat-y"
read / writeinherited
backgroundSize String
Gets the value of "background-size"
read / writeinherited
border String
Gets the value of "border"
read / writeoverride
borderAfter String
Gets the value of "border-after"
read / writeinherited
borderAfterColor String
Gets the value of "border-after-color"
read / writeinherited
borderAfterStyle String
Gets the value of "border-after-style"
read / writeinherited
borderAfterWidth String
Gets the value of "border-after-width"
read / writeinherited
borderBefore String
Gets the value of "border-before"
read / writeinherited
borderBeforeColor String
Gets the value of "border-before-color"
read / writeinherited
borderBeforeStyle String
Gets the value of "border-before-style"
read / writeinherited
borderBeforeWidth String
Gets the value of "border-before-width"
read / writeinherited
borderBottom String
Gets the value of "border-bottom"
read / writeoverride
borderBottomColor String
Gets the value of "border-bottom-color"
read / writeoverride
borderBottomLeftRadius String
Gets the value of "border-bottom-left-radius"
read / writeinherited
borderBottomRightRadius String
Gets the value of "border-bottom-right-radius"
read / writeinherited
borderBottomStyle String
Gets the value of "border-bottom-style"
read / writeoverride
borderBottomWidth String
Gets the value of "border-bottom-width"
read / writeoverride
borderCollapse String
Gets the value of "border-collapse"
read / writeoverride
borderColor String
Gets the value of "border-color"
read / writeoverride
borderEnd String
Gets the value of "border-end"
read / writeinherited
borderEndColor String
Gets the value of "border-end-color"
read / writeinherited
borderEndStyle String
Gets the value of "border-end-style"
read / writeinherited
borderEndWidth String
Gets the value of "border-end-width"
read / writeinherited
borderFit String
Gets the value of "border-fit"
read / writeinherited
borderHorizontalSpacing String
Gets the value of "border-horizontal-spacing"
read / writeinherited
borderImage String
Gets the value of "border-image"
read / writeinherited
borderImageOutset String
Gets the value of "border-image-outset"
read / writeinherited
borderImageRepeat String
Gets the value of "border-image-repeat"
read / writeinherited
borderImageSlice String
Gets the value of "border-image-slice"
read / writeinherited
borderImageSource String
Gets the value of "border-image-source"
read / writeinherited
borderImageWidth String
Gets the value of "border-image-width"
read / writeinherited
borderLeft String
Gets the value of "border-left"
read / writeoverride
borderLeftColor String
Gets the value of "border-left-color"
read / writeoverride
borderLeftStyle String
Gets the value of "border-left-style"
read / writeoverride
borderLeftWidth String
Gets the value of "border-left-width"
read / writeoverride
borderRadius String
Gets the value of "border-radius"
read / writeinherited
borderRight String
Gets the value of "border-right"
read / writeoverride
borderRightColor String
Gets the value of "border-right-color"
read / writeoverride
borderRightStyle String
Gets the value of "border-right-style"
read / writeoverride
borderRightWidth String
Gets the value of "border-right-width"
read / writeoverride
borderSpacing String
Gets the value of "border-spacing"
read / writeoverride
borderStart String
Gets the value of "border-start"
read / writeinherited
borderStartColor String
Gets the value of "border-start-color"
read / writeinherited
borderStartStyle String
Gets the value of "border-start-style"
read / writeinherited
borderStartWidth String
Gets the value of "border-start-width"
read / writeinherited
borderStyle String
Gets the value of "border-style"
read / writeoverride
borderTop String
Gets the value of "border-top"
read / writeoverride
borderTopColor String
Gets the value of "border-top-color"
read / writeoverride
borderTopLeftRadius String
Gets the value of "border-top-left-radius"
read / writeinherited
borderTopRightRadius String
Gets the value of "border-top-right-radius"
read / writeinherited
borderTopStyle String
Gets the value of "border-top-style"
read / writeoverride
borderTopWidth String
Gets the value of "border-top-width"
read / writeoverride
borderVerticalSpacing String
Gets the value of "border-vertical-spacing"
read / writeinherited
borderWidth String
Gets the value of "border-width"
read / writeoverride
bottom String
Gets the value of "bottom"
read / writeoverride
boxAlign String
Gets the value of "box-align"
read / writeinherited
boxDecorationBreak String
Gets the value of "box-decoration-break"
read / writeinherited
boxDirection String
Gets the value of "box-direction"
read / writeinherited
boxFlex String
Gets the value of "box-flex"
read / writeinherited
boxFlexGroup String
Gets the value of "box-flex-group"
read / writeinherited
boxLines String
Gets the value of "box-lines"
read / writeinherited
boxOrdinalGroup String
Gets the value of "box-ordinal-group"
read / writeinherited
boxOrient String
Gets the value of "box-orient"
read / writeinherited
boxPack String
Gets the value of "box-pack"
read / writeinherited
boxReflect String
Gets the value of "box-reflect"
read / writeinherited
boxShadow String
Gets the value of "box-shadow"
read / writeinherited
boxSizing String
Gets the value of "box-sizing"
read / writeinherited
captionSide String
Gets the value of "caption-side"
read / writeoverride
clear String
Gets the value of "clear"
read / writeoverride
clip String
Gets the value of "clip"
read / writeoverride
clipPath String
Gets the value of "clip-path"
read / writeinherited
color String
Gets the value of "color"
read / writeoverride
columnBreakAfter String
Gets the value of "column-break-after"
read / writeinherited
columnBreakBefore String
Gets the value of "column-break-before"
read / writeinherited
columnBreakInside String
Gets the value of "column-break-inside"
read / writeinherited
columnCount String
Gets the value of "column-count"
read / writeinherited
columnFill String
Gets the value of "column-fill"
read / writeinherited
columnGap String
Gets the value of "column-gap"
read / writeinherited
columnRule String
Gets the value of "column-rule"
read / writeinherited
columnRuleColor String
Gets the value of "column-rule-color"
read / writeinherited
columnRuleStyle String
Gets the value of "column-rule-style"
read / writeinherited
columnRuleWidth String
Gets the value of "column-rule-width"
read / writeinherited
columns String
Gets the value of "columns"
read / writeinherited
columnSpan String
Gets the value of "column-span"
read / writeinherited
columnWidth String
Gets the value of "column-width"
read / writeinherited
content String
Gets the value of "content"
read / writeoverride
counterIncrement String
Gets the value of "counter-increment"
read / writeinherited
counterReset String
Gets the value of "counter-reset"
read / writeinherited
cssFloat String?
read / write
cssText String?
read / write
cursor String
Gets the value of "cursor"
read / writeoverride
direction String
Gets the value of "direction"
read / writeoverride
display String
Gets the value of "display"
read / writeoverride
emptyCells String
Gets the value of "empty-cells"
read / writeoverride
filter String
Gets the value of "filter"
read / writeinherited
flex String
Gets the value of "flex"
read / writeinherited
flexBasis String
Gets the value of "flex-basis"
read / writeinherited
flexDirection String
Gets the value of "flex-direction"
read / writeinherited
flexFlow String
Gets the value of "flex-flow"
read / writeinherited
flexGrow String
Gets the value of "flex-grow"
read / writeinherited
flexShrink String
Gets the value of "flex-shrink"
read / writeinherited
flexWrap String
Gets the value of "flex-wrap"
read / writeinherited
float String
Gets the value of "float"
read / writeinherited
font String
Gets the value of "font"
read / writeoverride
fontFamily String
Gets the value of "font-family"
read / writeoverride
fontFeatureSettings String
Gets the value of "font-feature-settings"
read / writeinherited
fontKerning String
Gets the value of "font-kerning"
read / writeinherited
fontSize String
Gets the value of "font-size"
read / writeoverride
fontSizeDelta String
Gets the value of "font-size-delta"
read / writeinherited
fontSmoothing String
Gets the value of "font-smoothing"
read / writeinherited
fontStretch String
Gets the value of "font-stretch"
read / writeinherited
fontStyle String
Gets the value of "font-style"
read / writeoverride
fontVariant String
Gets the value of "font-variant"
read / writeoverride
fontVariantLigatures String
Gets the value of "font-variant-ligatures"
read / writeinherited
fontWeight String
Gets the value of "font-weight"
read / writeoverride
gap String
Gets the value of "gap"
read / writeinherited
grid String
Gets the value of "grid"
read / writeinherited
gridArea String
Gets the value of "grid-area"
read / writeinherited
gridAutoColumns String
Gets the value of "grid-auto-columns"
read / writeinherited
gridAutoFlow String
Gets the value of "grid-auto-flow"
read / writeinherited
gridAutoRows String
Gets the value of "grid-auto-rows"
read / writeinherited
gridColumn String
Gets the value of "grid-column"
read / writeinherited
gridColumnEnd String
Gets the value of "grid-column-end"
read / writeinherited
gridColumnStart String
Gets the value of "grid-column-start"
read / writeinherited
gridRow String
Gets the value of "grid-row"
read / writeinherited
gridRowEnd String
Gets the value of "grid-row-end"
read / writeinherited
gridRowStart String
Gets the value of "grid-row-start"
read / writeinherited
gridTemplate String
Gets the value of "grid-template"
read / writeinherited
gridTemplateAreas String
Gets the value of "grid-template-areas"
read / writeinherited
gridTemplateColumns String
Gets the value of "grid-template-columns"
read / writeinherited
gridTemplateRows String
Gets the value of "grid-template-rows"
read / writeinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
height String
Gets the value of "height"
read / writeoverride
highlight String
Gets the value of "highlight"
read / writeinherited
hyphenateCharacter String
Gets the value of "hyphenate-character"
read / writeinherited
imageRendering String
Gets the value of "image-rendering"
read / writeinherited
isolation String
Gets the value of "isolation"
read / writeinherited
justifyContent String
Gets the value of "justify-content"
read / writeinherited
justifySelf String
Gets the value of "justify-self"
read / writeinherited
left String
Gets the value of "left"
read / writeoverride
length int
letterSpacing String
Gets the value of "letter-spacing"
read / writeoverride
lineBoxContain String
Gets the value of "line-box-contain"
read / writeinherited
lineBreak String
Gets the value of "line-break"
read / writeinherited
lineClamp String
Gets the value of "line-clamp"
read / writeinherited
lineHeight String
Gets the value of "line-height"
read / writeoverride
listStyle String
Gets the value of "list-style"
read / writeoverride
listStyleImage String
Gets the value of "list-style-image"
read / writeoverride
listStylePosition String
Gets the value of "list-style-position"
read / writeoverride
listStyleType String
Gets the value of "list-style-type"
read / writeoverride
locale String
Gets the value of "locale"
read / writeinherited
logicalHeight String
Gets the value of "logical-height"
read / writeinherited
logicalWidth String
Gets the value of "logical-width"
read / writeinherited
margin String
Gets the value of "margin"
read / writeoverride
marginAfter String
Gets the value of "margin-after"
read / writeinherited
marginAfterCollapse String
Gets the value of "margin-after-collapse"
read / writeinherited
marginBefore String
Gets the value of "margin-before"
read / writeinherited
marginBeforeCollapse String
Gets the value of "margin-before-collapse"
read / writeinherited
marginBottom String
Gets the value of "margin-bottom"
read / writeoverride
marginBottomCollapse String
Gets the value of "margin-bottom-collapse"
read / writeinherited
marginCollapse String
Gets the value of "margin-collapse"
read / writeinherited
marginEnd String
Gets the value of "margin-end"
read / writeinherited
marginLeft String
Gets the value of "margin-left"
read / writeoverride
marginRight String
Gets the value of "margin-right"
read / writeoverride
marginStart String
Gets the value of "margin-start"
read / writeinherited
marginTop String
Gets the value of "margin-top"
read / writeoverride
marginTopCollapse String
Gets the value of "margin-top-collapse"
read / writeinherited
mask String
Gets the value of "mask"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImage String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImageOutset String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image-outset"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImageRepeat String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image-repeat"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImageSlice String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image-slice"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImageSource String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image-source"
read / writeinherited
maskBoxImageWidth String
Gets the value of "mask-box-image-width"
read / writeinherited
maskClip String
Gets the value of "mask-clip"
read / writeinherited
maskComposite String
Gets the value of "mask-composite"
read / writeinherited
maskImage String
Gets the value of "mask-image"
read / writeinherited
maskOrigin String
Gets the value of "mask-origin"
read / writeinherited
maskPosition String
Gets the value of "mask-position"
read / writeinherited
maskPositionX String
Gets the value of "mask-position-x"
read / writeinherited
maskPositionY String
Gets the value of "mask-position-y"
read / writeinherited
maskRepeat String
Gets the value of "mask-repeat"
read / writeinherited
maskRepeatX String
Gets the value of "mask-repeat-x"
read / writeinherited
maskRepeatY String
Gets the value of "mask-repeat-y"
read / writeinherited
maskSize String
Gets the value of "mask-size"
read / writeinherited
maskSourceType String
Gets the value of "mask-source-type"
read / writeinherited
maxHeight String
Gets the value of "max-height"
read / writeoverride
maxLogicalHeight String
Gets the value of "max-logical-height"
read / writeinherited
maxLogicalWidth String
Gets the value of "max-logical-width"
read / writeinherited
maxWidth String
Gets the value of "max-width"
read / writeoverride
maxZoom String
Gets the value of "max-zoom"
read / writeinherited
minHeight String
Gets the value of "min-height"
read / writeoverride
minLogicalHeight String
Gets the value of "min-logical-height"
read / writeinherited
minLogicalWidth String
Gets the value of "min-logical-width"
read / writeinherited
minWidth String
Gets the value of "min-width"
read / writeoverride
minZoom String
Gets the value of "min-zoom"
read / writeinherited
mixBlendMode String
Gets the value of "mix-blend-mode"
read / writeinherited
objectFit String
Gets the value of "object-fit"
read / writeinherited
objectPosition String
Gets the value of "object-position"
read / writeinherited
opacity String
Gets the value of "opacity"
read / writeinherited
order String
Gets the value of "order"
read / writeinherited
orientation String
Gets the value of "orientation"
read / writeinherited
orphans String
Gets the value of "orphans"
read / writeinherited
outline String
Gets the value of "outline"
read / writeoverride
outlineColor String
Gets the value of "outline-color"
read / writeoverride
outlineOffset String
Gets the value of "outline-offset"
read / writeinherited
outlineStyle String
Gets the value of "outline-style"
read / writeoverride
outlineWidth String
Gets the value of "outline-width"
read / writeoverride
overflow String
Gets the value of "overflow"
read / writeoverride
overflowWrap String
Gets the value of "overflow-wrap"
read / writeinherited
overflowX String
Gets the value of "overflow-x"
read / writeinherited
overflowY String
Gets the value of "overflow-y"
read / writeinherited
padding String
Gets the value of "padding"
read / writeoverride
paddingAfter String
Gets the value of "padding-after"
read / writeinherited
paddingBefore String
Gets the value of "padding-before"
read / writeinherited
paddingBottom String
Gets the value of "padding-bottom"
read / writeoverride
paddingEnd String
Gets the value of "padding-end"
read / writeinherited
paddingLeft String
Gets the value of "padding-left"
read / writeoverride
paddingRight String
Gets the value of "padding-right"
read / writeoverride
paddingStart String
Gets the value of "padding-start"
read / writeinherited
paddingTop String
Gets the value of "padding-top"
read / writeoverride
page String
Gets the value of "page"
read / writeinherited
pageBreakAfter String
Gets the value of "page-break-after"
read / writeoverride
pageBreakBefore String
Gets the value of "page-break-before"
read / writeoverride
pageBreakInside String
Gets the value of "page-break-inside"
read / writeoverride
parentRule CssRule?
perspective String
Gets the value of "perspective"
read / writeinherited
perspectiveOrigin String
Gets the value of "perspective-origin"
read / writeinherited
perspectiveOriginX String
Gets the value of "perspective-origin-x"
read / writeinherited
perspectiveOriginY String
Gets the value of "perspective-origin-y"
read / writeinherited
pointerEvents String
Gets the value of "pointer-events"
read / writeinherited
position String
Gets the value of "position"
read / writeoverride
printColorAdjust String
Gets the value of "print-color-adjust"
read / writeinherited
quotes String
Gets the value of "quotes"
read / writeoverride
resize String
Gets the value of "resize"
read / writeinherited
Gets the value of "right"
read / writeoverride
rowGap String
Gets the value of "row-gap"
read / writeinherited
rtlOrdering String
Gets the value of "rtl-ordering"
read / writeinherited
rubyPosition String
Gets the value of "ruby-position"
read / writeinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
scrollBehavior String
Gets the value of "scroll-behavior"
read / writeinherited
shapeImageThreshold String
Gets the value of "shape-image-threshold"
read / writeinherited
shapeMargin String
Gets the value of "shape-margin"
read / writeinherited
shapeOutside String
Gets the value of "shape-outside"
read / writeinherited
size String
Gets the value of "size"
read / writeinherited
speak String
Gets the value of "speak"
read / writeinherited
src String
Gets the value of "src"
read / writeinherited
tableLayout String
Gets the value of "table-layout"
read / writeoverride
tabSize String
Gets the value of "tab-size"
read / writeinherited
tapHighlightColor String
Gets the value of "tap-highlight-color"
read / writeinherited
textAlign String
Gets the value of "text-align"
read / writeoverride
textAlignLast String
Gets the value of "text-align-last"
read / writeinherited
textCombine String
Gets the value of "text-combine"
read / writeinherited
textDecoration String
Gets the value of "text-decoration"
read / writeoverride
textDecorationColor String
Gets the value of "text-decoration-color"
read / writeinherited
textDecorationLine String
Gets the value of "text-decoration-line"
read / writeinherited
textDecorationsInEffect String
Gets the value of "text-decorations-in-effect"
read / writeinherited
textDecorationStyle String
Gets the value of "text-decoration-style"
read / writeinherited
textEmphasis String
Gets the value of "text-emphasis"
read / writeinherited
textEmphasisColor String
Gets the value of "text-emphasis-color"
read / writeinherited
textEmphasisPosition String
Gets the value of "text-emphasis-position"
read / writeinherited
textEmphasisStyle String
Gets the value of "text-emphasis-style"
read / writeinherited
textFillColor String
Gets the value of "text-fill-color"
read / writeinherited
textIndent String
Gets the value of "text-indent"
read / writeoverride
textJustify String
Gets the value of "text-justify"
read / writeinherited
textLineThroughColor String
Gets the value of "text-line-through-color"
read / writeinherited
textLineThroughMode String
Gets the value of "text-line-through-mode"
read / writeinherited
textLineThroughStyle String
Gets the value of "text-line-through-style"
read / writeinherited
textLineThroughWidth String
Gets the value of "text-line-through-width"
read / writeinherited
textOrientation String
Gets the value of "text-orientation"
read / writeinherited
textOverflow String
Gets the value of "text-overflow"
read / writeinherited
textOverlineColor String
Gets the value of "text-overline-color"
read / writeinherited
textOverlineMode String
Gets the value of "text-overline-mode"
read / writeinherited
textOverlineStyle String
Gets the value of "text-overline-style"
read / writeinherited
textOverlineWidth String
Gets the value of "text-overline-width"
read / writeinherited
textRendering String
Gets the value of "text-rendering"
read / writeinherited
textSecurity String
Gets the value of "text-security"
read / writeinherited
textShadow String
Gets the value of "text-shadow"
read / writeinherited
textStroke String
Gets the value of "text-stroke"
read / writeinherited
textStrokeColor String
Gets the value of "text-stroke-color"
read / writeinherited
textStrokeWidth String
Gets the value of "text-stroke-width"
read / writeinherited
textTransform String
Gets the value of "text-transform"
read / writeoverride
textUnderlineColor String
Gets the value of "text-underline-color"
read / writeinherited
textUnderlineMode String
Gets the value of "text-underline-mode"
read / writeinherited
textUnderlinePosition String
Gets the value of "text-underline-position"
read / writeinherited
textUnderlineStyle String
Gets the value of "text-underline-style"
read / writeinherited
textUnderlineWidth String
Gets the value of "text-underline-width"
read / writeinherited
top String
Gets the value of "top"
read / writeoverride
touchAction String
Gets the value of "touch-action"
read / writeinherited
touchActionDelay String
Gets the value of "touch-action-delay"
read / writeinherited
transform String
Gets the value of "transform"
read / writeinherited
transformOrigin String
Gets the value of "transform-origin"
read / writeinherited
transformOriginX String
Gets the value of "transform-origin-x"
read / writeinherited
transformOriginY String
Gets the value of "transform-origin-y"
read / writeinherited
transformOriginZ String
Gets the value of "transform-origin-z"
read / writeinherited
transformStyle String
Gets the value of "transform-style"
read / writeinherited
transition String
Gets the value of "transition"
read / writeinherited
transitionDelay String
Gets the value of "transition-delay"
read / writeinherited
transitionDuration String
Gets the value of "transition-duration"
read / writeinherited
transitionProperty String
Gets the value of "transition-property"
read / writeinherited
transitionTimingFunction String
Gets the value of "transition-timing-function"
read / writeinherited
unicodeBidi String
Gets the value of "unicode-bidi"
read / writeoverride
unicodeRange String
Gets the value of "unicode-range"
read / writeinherited
userDrag String
Gets the value of "user-drag"
read / writeinherited
userModify String
Gets the value of "user-modify"
read / writeinherited
userSelect String
Gets the value of "user-select"
read / writeinherited
userZoom String
Gets the value of "user-zoom"
read / writeinherited
verticalAlign String
Gets the value of "vertical-align"
read / writeoverride
visibility String
Gets the value of "visibility"
read / writeoverride
whiteSpace String
Gets the value of "white-space"
read / writeoverride
widows String
Gets the value of "widows"
read / writeinherited
width String
Gets the value of "width"
read / writeoverride
willChange String
Gets the value of "will-change"
read / writeinherited
wordBreak String
Gets the value of "word-break"
read / writeinherited
wordSpacing String
Gets the value of "word-spacing"
read / writeoverride
wordWrap String
Gets the value of "word-wrap"
read / writeinherited
wrapFlow String
Gets the value of "wrap-flow"
read / writeinherited
wrapThrough String
Gets the value of "wrap-through"
read / writeinherited
writingMode String
Gets the value of "writing-mode"
read / writeinherited
zIndex String
Gets the value of "z-index"
read / writeoverride
zoom String
Gets the value of "zoom"
read / writeinherited


getPropertyPriority(String property) String
getPropertyValue(String propertyName) String
Returns the value of the property if the provided CSS property name is supported on this element and if the value is set. Otherwise returns an empty string.
item(int index) String
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
removeProperty(String property) String
setProperty(String propertyName, String? value, [String? priority]) → void
supportsProperty(String propertyName) bool
Returns true if the provided CSS property name is supported on this element.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

supportsTransitions bool
Checks to see if CSS Transitions are supported.