fromAsset method Null safety

Future<FragmentProgram> fromAsset(
  1. String assetKey

Creates a fragment program from the asset with key assetKey.

The asset must be a file produced as the output of the impellerc compiler. The constructed object should then be reused via the shader method to create Shader objects that can be used by Shader.paint.


static Future<FragmentProgram> fromAsset(String assetKey) {
  final FragmentProgram? program = _shaderRegistry[assetKey]?.target;
  if (program != null) {
    return Future<FragmentProgram>.value(program);
  return Future<FragmentProgram>.microtask(() {
    final FragmentProgram program = FragmentProgram._fromAsset(assetKey);
    _shaderRegistry[assetKey] = WeakReference<FragmentProgram>(program);
    return program;