didExceedMaxLines property Null safety

bool didExceedMaxLines
FfiNative<Bool Function(Pointer<Void>)>(Pointer<Void>)>('Paragraph::didExceedMaxLines', isLeaf: true)">@FfiNative<Bool Function(Pointer<Void>)>(Pointer<Void>)>('Paragraph::didExceedMaxLines', isLeaf: true)

True if there is more vertical content, but the text was truncated, either because we reached maxLines lines of text or because the maxLines was null, ellipsis was not null, and one of the lines exceeded the width constraint.

See the discussion of the maxLines and ellipsis arguments at ParagraphStyle.new.


@FfiNative<Bool Function(Pointer<Void>)>('Paragraph::didExceedMaxLines', isLeaf: true)
external bool get didExceedMaxLines;