TestPointer class Null safety

A class for generating coherent artificial pointer events.

You can use this to manually simulate individual events, but the simplest way to generate coherent gestures is to use TestGesture.


TestPointer([int pointer = 1, PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch, int? device, int buttons = kPrimaryButton])
Creates a TestPointer. By default, the pointer identifier used is 1, however this can be overridden by providing an argument to the constructor.


buttons int
The kind of buttons to simulate on Down and Move events. Defaults to kPrimaryButton.
device int
The device identifier used for events generated by this object.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
isDown bool
Whether the pointer simulated by this object is currently down.
isPanZoomActive bool
Whether the pointer simulated by this object currently has an active pan/zoom gesture.
kind PointerDeviceKind
The kind of pointing device to simulate. Defaults to PointerDeviceKind.touch.
location Offset?
The position of the last event sent by this object.
pan Offset?
The pan offset of the last pointer pan/zoom event sent by this object.
pointer int
The pointer identifier used for events generated by this object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.


addPointer({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero, Offset? location}) PointerAddedEvent
Create a PointerAddedEvent with the PointerDeviceKind the pointer was created with.
cancel({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerCancelEvent
Create a PointerCancelEvent.
down(Offset newLocation, {Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero, int? buttons}) PointerDownEvent
Create a PointerDownEvent at the given location.
hover(Offset newLocation, {Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerHoverEvent
Create a PointerHoverEvent to the given location.
move(Offset newLocation, {Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero, int? buttons}) PointerMoveEvent
Create a PointerMoveEvent to the given location.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
panZoomEnd({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerPanZoomEndEvent
Create a PointerPanZoomEndEvent to end the active pan/zoom sequence on this pointer.
panZoomStart(Offset location, {Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerPanZoomStartEvent
Create a PointerPanZoomStartEvent (e.g., trackpad scroll; not scroll wheel or finger-drag scroll) with the given delta.
panZoomUpdate(Offset location, {Offset pan = Offset.zero, double scale = 1, double rotation = 0, Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent
Create a PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent to update the active pan/zoom sequence on this pointer with updated pan, scale, and/or rotation values.
removePointer({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero, Offset? location}) PointerRemovedEvent
Create a PointerRemovedEvent with the PointerDeviceKind the pointer was created with.
scroll(Offset scrollDelta, {Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerScrollEvent
Create a PointerScrollEvent (e.g., scroll wheel scroll; not finger-drag scroll) with the given delta.
scrollInertiaCancel({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent
Create a PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent (e.g., user resting their finger on the trackpad).
setDownInfo(PointerEvent event, Offset newLocation, {int? buttons}) bool
If a custom event is created outside of this class, this function is used to set the isDown.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
up({Duration timeStamp = Duration.zero}) PointerUpEvent
Create a PointerUpEvent.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.