showTrackOnHover property Null safety

bool? showTrackOnHover
Deprecated('Use ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility to resolve based on the current state instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.9.0-1.0.pre.')">@Deprecated('Use ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility to resolve based on the current state instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.9.0-1.0.pre.')final

Controls if the track will show on hover and remain, including during drag.

If this property is null, then ScrollbarThemeData.showTrackOnHover of ThemeData.scrollbarTheme is used. If that is also null, the default value is false.

This is deprecated, trackVisibility or ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility should be used instead.


  'Use ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility to resolve based on the current state instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v2.9.0-1.0.pre.',
final bool? showTrackOnHover;