copyWith method Null safety
- {TextStyle? displayLarge,
- TextStyle? displayMedium,
- TextStyle? displaySmall,
- TextStyle? headlineLarge,
- TextStyle? headlineMedium,
- TextStyle? headlineSmall,
- TextStyle? titleLarge,
- TextStyle? titleMedium,
- TextStyle? titleSmall,
- TextStyle? bodyLarge,
- TextStyle? bodyMedium,
- TextStyle? bodySmall,
- TextStyle? labelLarge,
- TextStyle? labelMedium,
- TextStyle? labelSmall,
- TextStyle? headline1,
- TextStyle? headline2,
- TextStyle? headline3,
- TextStyle? headline4,
- TextStyle? headline5,
- TextStyle? headline6,
- TextStyle? subtitle1,
- TextStyle? subtitle2,
- TextStyle? bodyText1,
- TextStyle? bodyText2,
- TextStyle? caption,
- TextStyle? button,
- TextStyle? overline}
Creates a copy of this text theme but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
Consider using or Typography.white, which implement the typography styles in the Material Design specification, as a starting point.
/// A Widget that sets the ambient theme's title text color for its
/// descendants, while leaving other ambient theme attributes alone.
class TitleColorThemeCopy extends StatelessWidget {
const TitleColorThemeCopy({super.key, required this.titleColor, required this.child});
final Color titleColor;
final Widget child;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
return Theme(
data: theme.copyWith(
textTheme: theme.textTheme.copyWith(
titleLarge: theme.textTheme.titleLarge!.copyWith(
color: titleColor,
child: child,
See also:
TextTheme copyWith({
TextStyle? displayLarge,
TextStyle? displayMedium,
TextStyle? displaySmall,
TextStyle? headlineLarge,
TextStyle? headlineMedium,
TextStyle? headlineSmall,
TextStyle? titleLarge,
TextStyle? titleMedium,
TextStyle? titleSmall,
TextStyle? bodyLarge,
TextStyle? bodyMedium,
TextStyle? bodySmall,
TextStyle? labelLarge,
TextStyle? labelMedium,
TextStyle? labelSmall,
TextStyle? headline1,
TextStyle? headline2,
TextStyle? headline3,
TextStyle? headline4,
TextStyle? headline5,
TextStyle? headline6,
TextStyle? subtitle1,
TextStyle? subtitle2,
TextStyle? bodyText1,
TextStyle? bodyText2,
TextStyle? caption,
TextStyle? button,
TextStyle? overline,
}) {
(displayLarge == null && displayMedium == null && displaySmall == null && headlineMedium == null &&
headlineSmall == null && titleLarge == null && titleMedium == null && titleSmall == null &&
bodyLarge == null && bodyMedium == null && bodySmall == null && labelLarge == null && labelSmall == null) ||
(headline1 == null && headline2 == null && headline3 == null && headline4 == null &&
headline5 == null && headline6 == null && subtitle1 == null && subtitle2 == null &&
bodyText1 == null && bodyText2 == null && caption == null && button == null && overline == null),
'Cannot mix 2018 and 2021 terms in call to TextTheme() constructor.'
return TextTheme(
displayLarge: displayLarge ?? headline1 ?? this.displayLarge,
displayMedium: displayMedium ?? headline2 ?? this.displayMedium,
displaySmall: displaySmall ?? headline3 ?? this.displaySmall,
headlineLarge: headlineLarge ?? this.headlineLarge,
headlineMedium: headlineMedium ?? headline4 ?? this.headlineMedium,
headlineSmall: headlineSmall ?? headline5 ?? this.headlineSmall,
titleLarge: titleLarge ?? headline6 ?? this.titleLarge,
titleMedium: titleMedium ?? subtitle1 ?? this.titleMedium,
titleSmall: titleSmall ?? subtitle2 ?? this.titleSmall,
bodyLarge: bodyLarge ?? bodyText1 ?? this.bodyLarge,
bodyMedium: bodyMedium ?? bodyText2 ?? this.bodyMedium,
bodySmall: bodySmall ?? caption ?? this.bodySmall,
labelLarge: labelLarge ?? button ?? this.labelLarge,
labelMedium: labelMedium ?? this.labelMedium,
labelSmall: labelSmall ?? overline ?? this.labelSmall,