takeScreenshot method Null safety

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> takeScreenshot(
  1. String screenshot

Takes a screenshot of the application. Returns the data that is sent back to the host.


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> takeScreenshot(String screenshot) async {
  if (Platform.isAndroid && !_isSurfaceRendered) {
    throw StateError('Call convertFlutterSurfaceToImage() before taking a screenshot');
  final List<int>? rawBytes = await integrationTestChannel.invokeMethod<List<int>>(
    <String, dynamic>{'name': screenshot},
  if (rawBytes == null) {
    throw StateError('Expected a list of bytes, but instead captureScreenshot returned null');
  return <String, dynamic>{
    'screenshotName': screenshot,
    'bytes': rawBytes,