isCastError top-level constant Null safety

TypeMatcher<CastError> const isCastError
Deprecated('CastError has been deprecated in favor of TypeError. ' 'Use `isA<TypeError>()` or, if you need compatibility with older SDKs, ' 'use `isA<CastError>()` and ignore the deprecation.')">@Deprecated('CastError has been deprecated in favor of TypeError. ' 'Use `isA<TypeError>()` or, if you need compatibility with older SDKs, ' 'use `isA<CastError>()` and ignore the deprecation.')

A matcher for CastError.


@Deprecated('CastError has been deprecated in favor of TypeError. '
    'Use `isA<TypeError>()` or, if you need compatibility with older SDKs, '
    'use `isA<CastError>()` and ignore the deprecation.')
const isCastError = TypeMatcher<CastError>();