source_span library Null safety
- FileLocation
- A SourceLocation within a SourceFile.
- FileSpan
- A SourceSpan within a SourceFile.
- SourceFile
- A class representing a source file.
- SourceLocation
- A class that describes a single location within a source file.
- SourceLocationBase
- A base class for source locations with offset, line, and column known at construction time.
- SourceLocationMixin
- A mixin for easily implementing SourceLocation.
- SourceSpan
- A class that describes a segment of source text.
- SourceSpanBase
- A base class for source spans with start, end, and text known at construction time.
- SourceSpanMixin
- A mixin for easily implementing SourceSpan.
- SourceSpanWithContext
- A class that describes a segment of source text with additional context.
- FileSpanExtension
- Extension methods on the FileSpan API.
- SourceSpanExtension
- Extension methods on the base SourceSpan API.
- SourceSpanWithContextExtension
- Extension methods on the base SourceSpan API.
Exceptions / Errors
- MultiSourceSpanException
- A SourceSpanException that also highlights some secondary spans to provide the user with extra context.
- MultiSourceSpanFormatException
- A MultiSourceSpanException that's also a FormatException.
- SourceSpanException
- A class for exceptions that have source span information attached.
- SourceSpanFormatException
- A SourceSpanException that's also a FormatException.