subtract method Null safety

EdgeInsetsGeometry subtract(
  1. EdgeInsetsGeometry other

Returns the difference between two EdgeInsetsGeometry objects.

If you know you are applying this to two EdgeInsets or two EdgeInsetsDirectional objects, consider using the binary infix - operator instead, which always returns an object of the same type as the operands, and is typed accordingly.

If subtract is applied to two objects of the same type (EdgeInsets or EdgeInsetsDirectional), an object of that type will be returned (though this is not reflected in the type system). Otherwise, an object representing a combination of both is returned. That object can be turned into a concrete EdgeInsets using resolve.

This method returns the same result as add applied to the result of negating the argument (using the prefix unary - operator or multiplying the argument by -1.0 using the * operator).


EdgeInsetsGeometry subtract(EdgeInsetsGeometry other) {
  return _MixedEdgeInsets.fromLRSETB(
    _left - other._left,
    _right - other._right,
    _start - other._start,
    _end - other._end,
    _top - other._top,
    _bottom - other._bottom,