FractionalOffset class Null safety

An offset that's expressed as a fraction of a Size.

FractionalOffset(1.0, 0.0) represents the top right of the Size.

FractionalOffset(0.0, 1.0) represents the bottom left of the Size.

FractionalOffset(0.5, 2.0) represents a point half way across the Size, below the bottom of the rectangle by the height of the Size.

The FractionalOffset class specifies offsets in terms of a distance from the top left, regardless of the TextDirection.

Design discussion

FractionalOffset and Alignment are two different representations of the same information: the location within a rectangle relative to the size of the rectangle. The difference between the two classes is in the coordinate system they use to represent the location.

FractionalOffset uses a coordinate system with an origin in the top-left corner of the rectangle whereas Alignment uses a coordinate system with an origin in the center of the rectangle.

Historically, FractionalOffset predates Alignment. When we attempted to make a version of FractionalOffset that adapted to the TextDirection, we ran into difficulty because placing the origin in the top-left corner introduced a left-to-right bias that was hard to remove.

By placing the origin in the center, Alignment and AlignmentDirectional are able to use the same origin, which means we can use a linear function to resolve an AlignmentDirectional into an Alignment in both TextDirection.rtl and TextDirection.ltr.

Alignment is better for most purposes than FractionalOffset and should be used instead of FractionalOffset. We continue to implement FractionalOffset to support code that predates Alignment.

See also:

  • Alignment, which uses a coordinate system based on the center of the rectangle instead of the top left corner of the rectangle.


FractionalOffset(double dx, double dy)
Creates a fractional offset.
FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndRect(Offset offset, Rect rect)
Creates a fractional offset from a specific offset and rectangle.
FractionalOffset.fromOffsetAndSize(Offset offset, Size size)
Creates a fractional offset from a specific offset and size.


dx double
The distance fraction in the horizontal direction.
dy double
The distance fraction in the vertical direction.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
x double
The distance fraction in the horizontal direction.
y double
The distance fraction in the vertical direction.


add(AlignmentGeometry other) AlignmentGeometry
Returns the sum of two AlignmentGeometry objects.
alongOffset(Offset other) Offset
Returns the offset that is this fraction in the direction of the given offset.
alongSize(Size other) Offset
Returns the offset that is this fraction within the given size.
inscribe(Size size, Rect rect) Rect
Returns a rect of the given size, aligned within given rect as specified by this alignment.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
resolve(TextDirection? direction) Alignment
Convert this instance into an Alignment, which uses literal coordinates (the x coordinate being explicitly a distance from the left).
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withinRect(Rect rect) Offset
Returns the point that is this fraction within the given rect.


operator %(double other) FractionalOffset
Computes the remainder in each dimension by the given factor.
operator *(double other) FractionalOffset
Scales the Alignment in each dimension by the given factor.
operator +(Alignment other) Alignment
Returns the sum of two Alignments.
operator -(Alignment other) Alignment
Returns the difference between two Alignments.
operator /(double other) FractionalOffset
Divides the Alignment in each dimension by the given factor.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator unary-() FractionalOffset
Returns the negation of the given Alignment.
operator ~/(double other) FractionalOffset
Integer divides the Alignment in each dimension by the given factor.

Static Methods

lerp(FractionalOffset? a, FractionalOffset? b, double t) FractionalOffset?
Linearly interpolate between two FractionalOffsets.


bottomCenter → const FractionalOffset
The center point along the bottom edge.
FractionalOffset(0.5, 1.0)
bottomLeft → const FractionalOffset
The bottom left corner.
FractionalOffset(0.0, 1.0)
bottomRight → const FractionalOffset
The bottom right corner.
FractionalOffset(1.0, 1.0)
center → const FractionalOffset
The center point, both horizontally and vertically.
FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.5)
centerLeft → const FractionalOffset
The center point along the left edge.
FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.5)
centerRight → const FractionalOffset
The center point along the right edge.
FractionalOffset(1.0, 0.5)
topCenter → const FractionalOffset
The center point along the top edge.
FractionalOffset(0.5, 0.0)
topLeft → const FractionalOffset
The top left corner.
FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.0)
topRight → const FractionalOffset
The top right corner.
FractionalOffset(1.0, 0.0)