copyWith method Null safety

  1. @override
StarBorder copyWith(
  1. {BorderSide? side,
  2. double? points,
  3. double? innerRadiusRatio,
  4. double? pointRounding,
  5. double? valleyRounding,
  6. double? rotation,
  7. double? squash}

Returns a copy of this OutlinedBorder that draws its outline with the specified side, if side is non-null.


StarBorder copyWith({
  BorderSide? side,
  double? points,
  double? innerRadiusRatio,
  double? pointRounding,
  double? valleyRounding,
  double? rotation,
  double? squash,
}) {
  return StarBorder(
    side: side ?? this.side,
    points: points ?? this.points,
    rotation: rotation ?? this.rotation,
    innerRadiusRatio: innerRadiusRatio ?? this.innerRadiusRatio,
    pointRounding: pointRounding ?? this.pointRounding,
    valleyRounding: valleyRounding ?? this.valleyRounding,
    squash: squash ?? this.squash,