RenderEditable class Null safety

Displays some text in a scrollable container with a potentially blinking cursor and with gesture recognizers.

This is the renderer for an editable text field. It does not directly provide affordances for editing the text, but it does handle text selection and manipulation of the text cursor.

The text is displayed, scrolled by the given offset, aligned according to textAlign. The maxLines property controls whether the text displays on one line or many. The selection, if it is not collapsed, is painted in the selectionColor. If it is collapsed, then it represents the cursor position. The cursor is shown while showCursor is true. It is painted in the cursorColor.

If, when the render object paints, the caret is found to have changed location, onCaretChanged is called.

Keyboard handling, IME handling, scrolling, toggling the showCursor value to actually blink the cursor, and other features not mentioned above are the responsibility of higher layers and not handled by this object.

Implemented types
Mixed in types


RenderEditable({InlineSpan? text, required TextDirection textDirection, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.start, Color? cursorColor, Color? backgroundCursorColor, ValueNotifier<bool>? showCursor, bool? hasFocus, required LayerLink startHandleLayerLink, required LayerLink endHandleLayerLink, int? maxLines = 1, int? minLines, bool expands = false, StrutStyle? strutStyle, Color? selectionColor, double textScaleFactor = 1.0, TextSelection? selection, required ViewportOffset offset, CaretChangedHandler? onCaretChanged, bool ignorePointer = false, bool readOnly = false, bool forceLine = true, TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior, TextWidthBasis textWidthBasis = TextWidthBasis.parent, String obscuringCharacter = '•', bool obscureText = false, Locale? locale, double cursorWidth = 1.0, double? cursorHeight, Radius? cursorRadius, bool paintCursorAboveText = false, Offset cursorOffset =, double devicePixelRatio = 1.0, BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight, BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight, bool? enableInteractiveSelection, EdgeInsets floatingCursorAddedMargin = const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(4, 4, 4, 5), TextRange? promptRectRange, Color? promptRectColor, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, required TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate, RenderEditablePainter? painter, RenderEditablePainter? foregroundPainter, List<RenderBox>? children})
Creates a render object that implements the visual aspects of a text field.


alwaysNeedsCompositing bool
Whether this render object always needs compositing.
attached bool
Whether this node is in a tree whose root is attached to something.
backgroundCursorColor Color?
The color to use when painting the cursor aligned to the text while rendering the floating cursor.
read / write
childCount int
The number of children.
clipBehavior Clip
The content will be clipped (or not) according to this option.
read / write
constraints BoxConstraints
The box constraints most recently received from the parent.
cursorColor Color?
The color to use when painting the cursor.
read / write
cursorHeight double
How tall the cursor will be.
read / write
cursorOffset Offset
The offset that is used, in pixels, when painting the cursor on screen.
read / write
cursorRadius Radius?
How rounded the corners of the cursor should be.
read / write
cursorWidth double
How thick the cursor will be.
read / write
debugCanParentUseSize bool
Whether the parent render object is permitted to use this render object's size.
debugCreator Object?
The object responsible for creating this render object.
read / writeinherited
debugDisposed bool?
Whether this has been disposed.
debugDoingThisLayout bool
Whether performLayout for this render object is currently running.
debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback bool
Whether invokeLayoutCallback for this render object is currently running.
debugDoingThisPaint bool
Whether paint for this render object is currently running.
debugDoingThisResize bool
Whether performResize for this render object is currently running.
debugLayer ContainerLayer?
In debug mode, the compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint.
debugNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate bool
Whether this render object's layer information is dirty.
debugNeedsLayout bool
Whether this render object's layout information is dirty.
debugNeedsPaint bool
Whether this render object's paint information is dirty.
debugSemantics SemanticsNode?
The semantics of this render object.
depth int
The depth of this node in the tree.
devicePixelRatio double
The pixel ratio of the current device.
read / write
enableInteractiveSelection bool?
Whether to allow the user to change the selection.
read / write
The LayerLink of end selection handle.
read / write
expands bool
Whether this widget's height will be sized to fill its parent.
read / write
firstChild RenderBox?
The first child in the child list.
floatingCursorAddedMargin EdgeInsets
The padding applied to text field. Used to determine the bounds when moving the floating cursor.
read / write
forceLine bool
Whether this rendering object will take a full line regardless the text width.
read / write
foregroundPainter RenderEditablePainter?
The RenderEditablePainter to use for painting above this RenderEditable's text content.
read / write
hasFocus bool
Whether the editable is currently focused.
read / write
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
hasSize bool
Whether this render object has undergone layout and has a size.
ignorePointer bool
Whether the handleEvent will propagate pointer events to selection handlers.
read / write
isRepaintBoundary bool
Whether this render object repaints separately from its parent.
lastChild RenderBox?
The last child in the child list.
lastSecondaryTapDownPosition Offset?
The position of the most recent secondary tap down event on this text input.
layer ContainerLayer?
The compositing layer that this render object uses to repaint.
protected">@protectedprotected">@protectedread / writeinherited
locale Locale?
Used by this renderer's internal TextPainter to select a locale-specific font.
read / write
maxLines int?
The maximum number of lines for the text to span, wrapping if necessary.
read / write
maxScrollExtent double
The maximum amount the text is allowed to scroll.
minLines int?
The minimum number of lines to occupy when the content spans fewer lines.
read / write
needsCompositing bool
Whether we or one of our descendants has a compositing layer.
obscureText bool
Whether to hide the text being edited (e.g., for passwords).
read / write
obscuringCharacter String
Character used for obscuring text if obscureText is true.
read / write
offset ViewportOffset
The offset at which the text should be painted.
read / write
onCaretChanged CaretChangedHandler?
Called during the paint phase when the caret location changes.
read / write
owner PipelineOwner?
The owner for this node (null if unattached).
paintBounds Rect
Returns a rectangle that contains all the pixels painted by this box.
paintCursorAboveText bool
If the cursor should be painted on top of the text or underneath it.
read / write
painter RenderEditablePainter?
Sets the RenderEditablePainter to use for painting beneath this RenderEditable's text content.
read / write
parent AbstractNode?
The parent of this node in the tree.
parentData ParentData?
Data for use by the parent render object.
read / writeinherited
preferredLineHeight double
An estimate of the height of a line in the text. See TextPainter.preferredLineHeight. This does not require the layout to be updated.
promptRectColor Color?
The color used to paint the prompt rectangle.
read / write
readOnly bool
Whether this rendering object is read only.
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
selection TextSelection?
The region of text that is selected, if any.
read / write
selectionColor Color?
The color to use when painting the selection.
read / write
selectionEnabled bool
Whether interactive selection are enabled based on the values of enableInteractiveSelection and obscureText.
selectionEndInViewport ValueListenable<bool>
Track whether position of the end of the selected text is within the viewport.
selectionHeightStyle BoxHeightStyle
Controls how tall the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
read / write
selectionStartInViewport ValueListenable<bool>
Track whether position of the start of the selected text is within the viewport.
selectionWidthStyle BoxWidthStyle
Controls how wide the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
read / write
semanticBounds Rect
The bounding box, in the local coordinate system, of this object, for accessibility purposes.
showCursor ValueNotifier<bool>
Whether to paint the cursor.
read / write
size Size
The size of this render box computed during layout.
protected">@protectedread / writeinherited
sizedByParent bool
Whether the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in particular, child nodes have no impact).
The LayerLink of start selection handle.
read / write
strutStyle StrutStyle?
The StrutStyle used by the renderer's internal TextPainter to determine the strut to use.
read / write
text InlineSpan?
The text to display.
read / write
textAlign TextAlign
How the text should be aligned horizontally.
read / write
textDirection TextDirection
The directionality of the text.
read / write
textHeightBehavior TextHeightBehavior?
Defines how to apply TextStyle.height over and under text.
read / write
textScaleFactor double
The number of font pixels for each logical pixel.
read / write
textSelectionDelegate TextSelectionDelegate
The object that controls the text selection, used by this render object for implementing cut, copy, and paste keyboard shortcuts.
read / write
textWidthBasis TextWidthBasis
Defines how to measure the width of the rendered text.
read / write


add(RenderBox child) → void
Append child to the end of this render object's child list.
addAll(List<RenderBox>? children) → void
Add all the children to the end of this render object's child list.
adoptChild(covariant RenderObject child) → void
Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is a child.
applyPaintTransform(covariant RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) → void
Multiply the transform from the parent's coordinate system to this box's coordinate system into the given transform.
assembleSemanticsNode(SemanticsNode node, SemanticsConfiguration config, Iterable<SemanticsNode> children) → void
Assemble the SemanticsNode for this RenderObject.
attach(covariant PipelineOwner owner) → void
Mark this node as attached to the given owner.
calculateBoundedFloatingCursorOffset(Offset rawCursorOffset) Offset
Returns the position within the text field closest to the raw cursor offset.
childAfter(RenderBox child) RenderBox?
The next child after the given child in the child list.
childBefore(RenderBox child) RenderBox?
The previous child before the given child in the child list.
clearSemantics() → void
Removes all semantics from this render object and its descendants.
computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) double
Returns the distance from the y-coordinate of the position of the box to the y-coordinate of the first given baseline in the box's contents, if any, or null otherwise.
computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) Size
Computes the value returned by getDryLayout. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getDryLayout.
computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) double
Computes the value returned by getMaxIntrinsicHeight. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMaxIntrinsicHeight.
computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) double
Computes the value returned by getMaxIntrinsicWidth. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMaxIntrinsicWidth.
computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) double
Computes the value returned by getMinIntrinsicHeight. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMinIntrinsicHeight.
computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) double
Computes the value returned by getMinIntrinsicWidth. Do not call this function directly, instead, call getMinIntrinsicWidth.
debugAdoptSize(Size value) Size
Claims ownership of the given Size.
debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() → void
Verify that the object's constraints are being met. Override this function in a subclass to verify that your state matches the constraints object. This function is only called in checked mode and only when needsLayout is false. If the constraints are not met, it should assert or throw an exception.
debugAssertLayoutUpToDate() → void
Assert that the last layout still matches the constraints.
debugCannotComputeDryLayout({String? reason, FlutterError? error}) bool
Called from computeDryLayout within an assert if the given RenderBox subclass does not support calculating a dry layout.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
debugHandleEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry<HitTestTarget> entry) bool
Implements the debugPaintPointersEnabled debugging feature.
debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
Override this method to paint debugging information.
debugPaintBaselines(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
In debug mode, paints a line for each baseline.
debugPaintPointers(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
In debug mode, paints a rectangle if this render box has counted more pointer downs than pointer up events.
debugPaintSize(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
In debug mode, paints a border around this render box.
debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint({bool includedParent = true, bool includedChild = false}) → void
Called, in debug mode, if isRepaintBoundary is true, when either the this render object or its parent attempt to paint.
debugResetSize() → void
If a subclass has a "size" (the state controlled by parentUsesSize, whatever it is in the subclass, e.g. the actual size property of RenderBox), and the subclass verifies that in debug mode this "size" property isn't used when debugCanParentUseSize isn't set, then that subclass should override debugResetSize to reapply the current values of debugCanParentUseSize to that state.
debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) bool
Checks whether the given render object has the correct runtimeType to be a child of this render object.
defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) double?
Returns the baseline of the first child with a baseline.
defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) double?
Returns the minimum baseline value among every child.
defaultHitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) bool
Performs a hit test on each child by walking the child list backwards.
defaultPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
Paints each child by walking the child list forwards.
describeApproximatePaintClip(covariant RenderObject child) Rect?
Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes the approximate bounding box of the clip rect that would be applied to the given child during the paint phase, if any.
describeForError(String name, {DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.shallow}) DiagnosticsNode
Adds a debug representation of a RenderObject optimized for including in error messages.
describeSemanticsClip(covariant RenderObject? child) Rect?
Returns a rect in this object's coordinate system that describes which SemanticsNodes produced by the child should be included in the semantics tree. SemanticsNodes from the child that are positioned outside of this rect will be dropped. Child SemanticsNodes that are positioned inside this rect, but outside of describeApproximatePaintClip will be included in the tree marked as hidden. Child SemanticsNodes that are inside of both rect will be included in the tree as regular nodes.
describeSemanticsConfiguration(SemanticsConfiguration config) → void
Report the semantics of this node, for example for accessibility purposes.
detach() → void
Mark this node as detached.
dispose() → void
Release any resources held by this render object.
dropChild(covariant RenderObject child) → void
Called by subclasses when they decide a render object is no longer a child.
getBoxesForSelection(TextSelection selection) List<Rect>
Returns a list of rects that bound the given selection.
getChildrenAsList() List<RenderBox>
Returns a list containing the children of this render object.
getDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) double?
Calls computeDistanceToActualBaseline and caches the result.
getDistanceToBaseline(TextBaseline baseline, {bool onlyReal = false}) double?
Returns the distance from the y-coordinate of the position of the box to the y-coordinate of the first given baseline in the box's contents.
getDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) Size
Returns the Size that this RenderBox would like to be given the provided BoxConstraints.
getEndpointsForSelection(TextSelection selection) List<TextSelectionPoint>
Returns the local coordinates of the endpoints of the given selection.
getLineAtOffset(TextPosition position) TextSelection
Return a TextSelection containing the line of the given TextPosition.
getLocalRectForCaret(TextPosition caretPosition) Rect
Returns the Rect in local coordinates for the caret at the given text position.
getMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) double
Returns the smallest height beyond which increasing the height never decreases the preferred width. The preferred width is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicWidth for that height.
getMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) double
Returns the smallest width beyond which increasing the width never decreases the preferred height. The preferred height is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicHeight for that width.
getMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) double
Returns the minimum height that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.
getMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) double
Returns the minimum width that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.
getPositionForPoint(Offset globalPosition) TextPosition
Returns the position in the text for the given global coordinate.
getRectForComposingRange(TextRange range) Rect?
Returns the smallest Rect, in the local coordinate system, that covers the text within the TextRange specified.
getTextPositionAbove(TextPosition position) TextPosition
Returns the TextPosition above the given offset into the text.
getTextPositionBelow(TextPosition position) TextPosition
Returns the TextPosition below the given offset into the text.
getTransformTo(RenderObject? ancestor) Matrix4
Applies the paint transform up the tree to ancestor.
getWordBoundary(TextPosition position) TextRange
Returns the text range of the word at the given offset. Characters not part of a word, such as spaces, symbols, and punctuation, have word breaks on both sides. In such cases, this method will return a text range that contains the given text position.
globalToLocal(Offset point, {RenderObject? ancestor}) Offset
Convert the given point from the global coordinate system in logical pixels to the local coordinate system for this box.
handleDoubleTap() → void
If ignorePointer is false (the default) then this method is called by the internal gesture recognizer's DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.onDoubleTap callback.
handleEvent(PointerEvent event, covariant BoxHitTestEntry entry) → void
Override this method to handle pointer events that hit this render object.
handleLongPress() → void
If ignorePointer is false (the default) then this method is called by the internal gesture recognizer's LongPressGestureRecognizer.onLongPress callback.
handleSecondaryTapDown(TapDownDetails details) → void
Tracks the position of a secondary tap event.
handleTap() → void
If ignorePointer is false (the default) then this method is called by the internal gesture recognizer's TapGestureRecognizer.onTap callback.
handleTapDown(TapDownDetails details) → void
If ignorePointer is false (the default) then this method is called by the internal gesture recognizer's TapGestureRecognizer.onTapDown callback.
hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) bool
Determines the set of render objects located at the given position.
hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, {required Offset position}) bool
Override this method to check whether any children are located at the given position.
hitTestSelf(Offset position) bool
Override this method if this render object can be hit even if its children were not hit.
insert(RenderBox child, {RenderBox? after}) → void
Insert child into this render object's child list after the given child.
invokeLayoutCallback<T extends Constraints>(LayoutCallback<T> callback) → void
Allows mutations to be made to this object's child list (and any descendants) as well as to any other dirty nodes in the render tree owned by the same PipelineOwner as this object. The callback argument is invoked synchronously, and the mutations are allowed only during that callback's execution.
layout(Constraints constraints, {bool parentUsesSize = false}) → void
Compute the layout for this render object.
localToGlobal(Offset point, {RenderObject? ancestor}) Offset
Convert the given point from the local coordinate system for this box to the global coordinate system in logical pixels.
markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate() → void
Mark this render object as having changed a property on its composited layer.
markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate() → void
Mark the compositing state for this render object as dirty.
markNeedsLayout() → void
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and either register this object with its PipelineOwner, or defer to the parent, depending on whether this object is a relayout boundary or not respectively.
markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange() → void
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty (like markNeedsLayout), and additionally also handle any necessary work to handle the case where sizedByParent has changed value.
markNeedsPaint() → void
Mark this render object as having changed its visual appearance.
markNeedsSemanticsUpdate() → void
Mark this node as needing an update to its semantics description.
markNeedsTextLayout() → void
Marks the render object as needing to be laid out again and have its text metrics recomputed.
markParentNeedsLayout() → void
Mark this render object's layout information as dirty, and then defer to the parent.
move(RenderBox child, {RenderBox? after}) → void
Move the given child in the child list to be after another child.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) → void
Paint this render object into the given context at the given offset.
paintsChild(covariant RenderObject child) bool
Whether the given child would be painted if paint were called.
performLayout() → void
Do the work of computing the layout for this render object.
performResize() → void
Updates the render objects size using only the constraints.
reassemble() → void
Cause the entire subtree rooted at the given RenderObject to be marked dirty for layout, paint, etc, so that the effects of a hot reload can be seen, or so that the effect of changing a global debug flag (such as debugPaintSizeEnabled) can be applied.
redepthChild(AbstractNode child) → void
Adjust the depth of the given child to be greater than this node's own depth.
redepthChildren() → void
Adjust the depth of this node's children, if any.
remove(RenderBox child) → void
Remove this child from the child list.
removeAll() → void
Remove all their children from this render object's child list.
replaceRootLayer(OffsetLayer rootLayer) → void
Replace the layer. This is only valid for the root of a render object subtree (whatever object scheduleInitialPaint was called on).
scheduleInitialLayout() → void
Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first layout.
scheduleInitialPaint(ContainerLayer rootLayer) → void
Bootstrap the rendering pipeline by scheduling the very first paint.
scheduleInitialSemantics() → void
Bootstrap the semantics reporting mechanism by marking this node as needing a semantics update.
selectPosition({required SelectionChangedCause cause}) → void
Move selection to the location of the last tap down.
selectPositionAt({required Offset from, Offset? to, required SelectionChangedCause cause}) → void
Select text between the global positions from and to.
selectWord({required SelectionChangedCause cause}) → void
Select a word around the location of the last tap down.
selectWordEdge({required SelectionChangedCause cause}) → void
Move the selection to the beginning or end of a word.
selectWordsInRange({required Offset from, Offset? to, required SelectionChangedCause cause}) → void
Selects the set words of a paragraph in a given range of global positions.
sendSemanticsEvent(SemanticsEvent semanticsEvent) → void
Sends a SemanticsEvent associated with this render object's SemanticsNode.
setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState state, Offset boundedOffset, TextPosition lastTextPosition, {double? resetLerpValue}) → void
Sets the screen position of the floating cursor and the text position closest to the cursor.
setPromptRectRange(TextRange? newRange) → void
Dismisses the currently displayed prompt rectangle and displays a new prompt rectangle over newRange in the given color promptRectColor.
setupParentData(covariant RenderBox child) → void
Override to setup parent data correctly for your children.
showOnScreen({RenderObject? descendant, Rect? rect, Duration duration =, Curve curve = Curves.ease}) → void
Attempt to make (a portion of) this or a descendant RenderObject visible on screen.
startVerticalCaretMovement(TextPosition startPosition) VerticalCaretMovementRun
Starts a VerticalCaretMovementRun at the given location in the text, for handling consecutive vertical caret movements.
systemFontsDidChange() → void
A callback that is called when system fonts have changed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines = '', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a description of the tree rooted at this node. If the prefix argument is provided, then every line in the output will be prefixed by that string.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the render object. This description is often somewhat long.
toStringShort() String
Returns a human understandable name.
updateCompositedLayer({required covariant OffsetLayer? oldLayer}) OffsetLayer
Update the composited layer owned by this render object.
visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) → void
Calls visitor for each immediate child of this render object.
visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) → void
Called when collecting the semantics of this node.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.