RenderTransform constructor Null safety

  1. {required Matrix4 transform,
  2. Offset? origin,
  3. AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
  4. TextDirection? textDirection,
  5. bool transformHitTests = true,
  6. FilterQuality? filterQuality,
  7. RenderBox? child}

Creates a render object that transforms its child.

The transform argument must not be null.


  required Matrix4 transform,
  Offset? origin,
  AlignmentGeometry? alignment,
  TextDirection? textDirection,
  this.transformHitTests = true,
  FilterQuality? filterQuality,
  RenderBox? child,
}) : assert(transform != null),
     super(child) {
  this.transform = transform;
  this.alignment = alignment;
  this.textDirection = textDirection;
  this.filterQuality = filterQuality;
  this.origin = origin;