addTimingsCallback method Null safety

void addTimingsCallback(
  1. TimingsCallback callback

Add a TimingsCallback that receives FrameTiming sent from the engine.

This API enables applications to monitor their graphics performance. Data from the engine is batched into lists of FrameTiming objects which are reported approximately once a second in release mode and approximately once every 100ms in debug and profile builds. The list is sorted in ascending chronological order (earliest frame first). The timing of the first frame is sent immediately without batching.

The data returned can be used to catch missed frames (by seeing if FrameTiming.buildDuration or FrameTiming.rasterDuration exceed the frame budget, e.g. 16ms at 60Hz), and to catch high latency (by seeing if FrameTiming.totalSpan exceeds the frame budget). It is possible for no frames to be missed but for the latency to be more than one frame in the case where the Flutter engine is pipelining the graphics updates, e.g. because the sum of the FrameTiming.buildDuration and the FrameTiming.rasterDuration together exceed the frame budget. In those cases, animations will be smooth but touch input will feel more sluggish.

Using addTimingsCallback is preferred over using dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings directly because the dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings API only allows one callback, which prevents multiple libraries from registering listeners simultaneously, while this API allows multiple callbacks to be registered independently.

This API is implemented in terms of dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings. In release builds, when no libraries have registered with this API, the dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings callback is not set, which disables the performance tracking and reduces the runtime overhead to approximately zero. The performance overhead of the performance tracking when one or more callbacks are registered (i.e. when it is enabled) is very approximately 0.01% CPU usage per second (measured on an iPhone 6s).

In debug and profile builds, the SchedulerBinding itself registers a timings callback to update the Timeline.

If the same callback is added twice, it will be executed twice.

See also:


void addTimingsCallback(TimingsCallback callback) {
  if (_timingsCallbacks.length == 1) {
    assert(platformDispatcher.onReportTimings == null);
    platformDispatcher.onReportTimings = _executeTimingsCallbacks;
  assert(platformDispatcher.onReportTimings == _executeTimingsCallbacks);