SemanticsConfiguration class Null safety

Describes the semantic information associated with the owning RenderObject.

The information provided in the configuration is used to generate the semantics tree.




attributedDecreasedValue AttributedString
The value that value will have after performing a SemanticsAction.decrease action in AttributedString format.
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attributedHint AttributedString
A brief description of the result of performing an action on this node in AttributedString format.
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attributedIncreasedValue AttributedString
The value that value will have after performing a SemanticsAction.increase action in AttributedString format.
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attributedLabel AttributedString
A textual description of the owning RenderObject in AttributedString format.
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attributedValue AttributedString
A textual description for the current value of the owning RenderObject in AttributedString format.
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currentValueLength int?
The current number of characters that have been entered into an editable text field.
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customSemanticsActions Map<CustomSemanticsAction, VoidCallback>
The handlers for each supported CustomSemanticsAction.
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decreasedValue String
The value that value will have after performing a SemanticsAction.decrease action.
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elevation double
The elevation in z-direction at which the owning RenderObject is located relative to its parent.
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explicitChildNodes bool
Whether the configuration forces all children of the owning RenderObject that want to contribute semantic information to the semantics tree to do so in the form of explicit SemanticsNodes.
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hasBeenAnnotated bool
Whether this configuration is empty.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
hasImplicitScrolling bool
Whether the platform can scroll the semantics node when the user attempts to move focus to an offscreen child.
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hint String
A brief description of the result of performing an action on this node.
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hintOverrides SemanticsHintOverrides?
Provides hint values which override the default hints on supported platforms.
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increasedValue String
The value that value will have after performing a SemanticsAction.increase action.
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indexInParent int?
The index of this node within the parent's list of semantic children.
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isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes bool
Whether the owning RenderObject makes other RenderObjects previously painted within the same semantic boundary unreachable for accessibility purposes.
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isButton bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is a button (true) or not (false).
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isChecked bool?
If this node has Boolean state that can be controlled by the user, whether that state is checked or unchecked, corresponding to true and false, respectively.
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isEnabled bool?
Whether the owning RenderObject is currently enabled.
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isFocusable bool
Whether the owning RenderObject can hold the input focus.
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isFocused bool
Whether the owning RenderObject currently holds the input focus.
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isHeader bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is a header (true) or not (false).
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isHidden bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is considered hidden.
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isImage bool
Whether the semantics node represents an image.
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isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup bool
Whether the owning RenderObject corresponds to UI that allows the user to pick one of several mutually exclusive options.
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isKeyboardKey bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is a keyboard key (true) or not
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Whether the owning RenderObject is a link (true) or not (false).
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isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants bool
Whether the semantic information provided by the owning RenderObject and all of its descendants should be treated as one logical entity.
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isMultiline bool
Whether the text field is multiline.
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isObscured bool
Whether this.value should be obscured.
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isReadOnly bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is read only.
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isSelected bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is selected (true) or not (false).
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isSemanticBoundary bool
Whether the RenderObject owner of this configuration wants to own its own SemanticsNode.
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isSlider bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is a slider (true) or not (false).
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isTextField bool
Whether the owning RenderObject is a text field.
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isToggled bool?
If this node has Boolean state that can be controlled by the user, whether that state is on or off, corresponding to true and false, respectively.
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label String
A textual description of the owning RenderObject.
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liveRegion bool
Whether the semantics node is a live region.
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maxValueLength int?
The maximum number of characters that can be entered into an editable text field.
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namesRoute bool
Whether the semantics node contains the label of a route.
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onCopy VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.copy.
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onCut VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.cut.
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onDecrease VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.decrease.
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onDidGainAccessibilityFocus VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.didGainAccessibilityFocus.
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onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.didLoseAccessibilityFocus.
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onDismiss VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.dismiss.
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onIncrease VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.increase.
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onLongPress VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.longPress.
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onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter MoveCursorHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByCharacter.
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onMoveCursorBackwardByWord MoveCursorHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByWord.
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onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter MoveCursorHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByCharacter.
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onMoveCursorForwardByWord MoveCursorHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByWord.
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onPaste VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.paste.
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onScrollDown VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.scrollDown.
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onScrollLeft VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.scrollLeft.
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onScrollRight VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.scrollRight.
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onScrollUp VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.scrollUp.
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onSetSelection SetSelectionHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.setSelection.
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onSetText SetTextHandler?
The handler for SemanticsAction.setText.
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onShowOnScreen VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.showOnScreen.
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onTap VoidCallback?
The handler for SemanticsAction.tap.
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platformViewId int?
The id of the platform view, whose semantics nodes will be added as children to this node.
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runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
scopesRoute bool
Whether the semantics node is the root of a subtree for which values should be announced.
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scrollChildCount int?
The total number of scrollable children that contribute to semantics.
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scrollExtentMax double?
Indicates the maximum in-range value for scrollPosition if the node is scrollable.
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scrollExtentMin double?
Indicates the minimum in-range value for scrollPosition if the node is scrollable.
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scrollIndex int?
The index of the first visible scrollable child that contributes to semantics.
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scrollPosition double?
Indicates the current scrolling position in logical pixels if the node is scrollable.
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sortKey SemanticsSortKey?
Determines the position of this node among its siblings in the traversal sort order.
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tagsForChildren Iterable<SemanticsTag>?
The set of tags that this configuration wants to add to all child SemanticsNodes.
textDirection TextDirection?
The reading direction for the text in label, value, hint, increasedValue, and decreasedValue.
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textSelection TextSelection?
The currently selected text (or the position of the cursor) within this.value if this node represents a text field.
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thickness double
The extend that the owning RenderObject occupies in z-direction starting at elevation.
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tooltip String
A textual description of the widget's tooltip.
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value String
A textual description for the current value of the owning RenderObject.
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absorb(SemanticsConfiguration child) → void
Absorb the semantic information from child into this configuration.
addTagForChildren(SemanticsTag tag) → void
Specifies a SemanticsTag that this configuration wants to apply to all child SemanticsNodes.
copy() SemanticsConfiguration
Returns an exact copy of this configuration.
getActionHandler(SemanticsAction action) SemanticsActionHandler?
Returns the action handler registered for action or null if none was registered.
isCompatibleWith(SemanticsConfiguration? other) bool
Whether this configuration is compatible with the provided other configuration.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.