menu constant Null safety

MethodChannel const menu

A MethodChannel for platform menu specification and control.

The following outgoing method is defined for this channel (invoked using OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod):

  • Menu.setMenus: sends the configuration of the platform menu, including labels, enable/disable information, and unique integer identifiers for each menu item. The configuration is sent as a Map<String, Object?> encoding the list of top level menu items in window "0", which each have a hierarchy of Map<String, Object?> containing the required data, sent via a StandardMessageCodec. It is typically generated from a list of MenuItems, and ends up looking like this example:
List<Map<String, Object?>> menu = <String, Object?>{
  '0': <Map<String, Object?>>[
    <String, Object?>{
      'id': 1,
      'label': 'First Menu Label',
      'enabled': true,
      'children': <Map<String, Object?>>[
        <String, Object?>{
          'id': 2,
          'label': 'Sub Menu Label',
          'enabled': true,

The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered using MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler).

  • Menu.selectedCallback: Called when a menu item is selected, along with the unique ID of the menu item selected.

  • Menu.opened: Called when a submenu is opened, along with the unique ID of the submenu.

  • Menu.closed: Called when a submenu is closed, along with the unique ID of the submenu.

See also:


static const MethodChannel menu = OptionalMethodChannel('flutter/menu');