setEnabledSystemUIOverlays method Null safety

  1. @Deprecated('Migrate to setEnabledSystemUIMode. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-17.0.pre.')
Future<void> setEnabledSystemUIOverlays(
  1. List<SystemUiOverlay> overlays
Deprecated('Migrate to setEnabledSystemUIMode. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-17.0.pre.')">@Deprecated('Migrate to setEnabledSystemUIMode. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-17.0.pre.')

Specifies the set of system overlays to have visible when the application is running.

The overlays argument is a list of SystemUiOverlay enum values denoting the overlays to show.

If a particular overlay is unsupported on the platform, enabling or disabling that overlay will be ignored.

The settings here can be overridden by the platform when System UI becomes necessary for functionality.

For example, on Android, when the keyboard becomes visible, it will enable the navigation bar and status bar system UI overlays. When the keyboard is closed, Android will not restore the previous UI visibility settings, and the UI visibility cannot be changed until 1 second after the keyboard is closed to prevent malware locking users from navigation buttons.

To regain "fullscreen" after text entry, the UI overlays should be set again after a delay of 1 second. This can be achieved through restoreSystemUIOverlays or calling this again. Otherwise, the original UI overlay settings will be automatically restored only when the application loses and regains focus.


  'Migrate to setEnabledSystemUIMode. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-17.0.pre.'
static Future<void> setEnabledSystemUIOverlays(List<SystemUiOverlay> overlays) async {
  await setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.manual, overlays: overlays);