merge method Null safety
- Metadata other
Return a new Metadata that merges this with other
If the two Metadatas have conflicting properties, other
wins. If
either has a forTag metadata for one of the other's tags, that metadata
is merged as well.
Metadata merge(Metadata other) => Metadata(
testOn: testOn.intersection(other.testOn),
timeout: timeout.merge(other.timeout),
skip: other._skip ?? _skip,
skipReason: other.skipReason ?? skipReason,
verboseTrace: other._verboseTrace ?? _verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: other._chainStackTraces ?? _chainStackTraces,
retry: other._retry ?? _retry,
tags: tags.union(other.tags),
onPlatform: mergeMaps(onPlatform, other.onPlatform,
value: (metadata1, metadata2) => metadata1.merge(metadata2)),
forTag: mergeMaps(forTag, other.forTag,
value: (metadata1, metadata2) => metadata1.merge(metadata2)),
other.languageVersionComment ?? languageVersionComment);