Event class Null safety
An Event
is an asynchronous notification from the VM. It is delivered only
when the client has subscribed to an event stream using the streamListen
For more information, see events
Event({String? kind, int? timestamp, IsolateRef? isolate, VMRef? vm, Breakpoint? breakpoint, List<
Breakpoint> ? pauseBreakpoints, Frame? topFrame, InstanceRef? exception, String? bytes, InstanceRef? inspectee, String? gcType, String? extensionRPC, String? extensionKind, ExtensionData? extensionData, List<TimelineEvent> ? timelineEvents, List<String> ? updatedStreams, bool? atAsyncSuspension, String? status, LogRecord? logRecord, String? service, String? method, String? alias, String? flag, String? newValue, bool? last, String? updatedTag, String? previousTag, CpuSamplesEvent? cpuSamples, ByteData? data})
- alias ↔ String?
The alias of the registered service.
optional">@optionalread / write
- atAsyncSuspension ↔ bool?
Is the isolate paused at an await, yield, or yield* statement?
optional">@optionalread / write
- breakpoint ↔ Breakpoint?
The breakpoint which was added, removed, or resolved.
optional">@optionalread / write
- bytes ↔ String?
An array of bytes, encoded as a base64 string.
optional">@optionalread / write
- cpuSamples ↔ CpuSamplesEvent?
A CPU profile containing recent samples.
optional">@optionalread / write
- data ↔ ByteData?
Binary data associated with the event.
optional">@optionalread / write
- exception ↔ InstanceRef?
The exception associated with this event, if this is a PauseException
optional">@optionalread / write
- extensionData ↔ ExtensionData?
The extension event data.
optional">@optionalread / write
- extensionKind ↔ String?
The extension event kind.
optional">@optionalread / write
- extensionRPC ↔ String?
The RPC name of the extension that was added.
optional">@optionalread / write
- flag ↔ String?
The name of the changed flag.
optional">@optionalread / write
- gcType ↔ String?
The garbage collection (GC) operation performed.
optional">@optionalread / write
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
- inspectee ↔ InstanceRef?
The argument passed to dart:developer.inspect.
optional">@optionalread / write
- isolate ↔ IsolateRef?
The isolate with which this event is associated.
optional">@optionalread / write
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
read / writeinherited
- kind ↔ String?
What kind of event is this?
read / write
- last ↔ bool?
Specifies whether this event is the last of a group of events.
optional">@optionalread / write
- logRecord ↔ LogRecord?
LogRecord data.
optional">@optionalread / write
- method ↔ String?
The RPC method that should be used to invoke the service.
optional">@optionalread / write
- newValue ↔ String?
The new value of the changed flag.
optional">@optionalread / write
↔ List<
Breakpoint> ? -
The list of breakpoints at which we are currently paused for a
PauseBreakpoint event.
optional">@optionalread / write
- previousTag ↔ String?
The previous UserTag label.
optional">@optionalread / write
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- service ↔ String?
The service identifier.
optional">@optionalread / write
- status ↔ String?
The status (success or failure) related to the event. This is provided for
the event kinds:
optional">@optionalread / write
↔ List<
TimelineEvent> ? -
An array of TimelineEvents
optional">@optionalread / write
- timestamp ↔ int?
The timestamp (in milliseconds since the epoch) associated with this
event. For some isolate pause events, the timestamp is from when the
isolate was paused. For other events, the timestamp is from when the event
was created.
read / write
- topFrame ↔ Frame?
The top stack frame associated with this event, if applicable.
optional">@optionalread / write
- type → String
↔ List<
String> ? -
The new set of recorded timeline streams.
optional">@optionalread / write
- updatedTag ↔ String?
The current UserTag label.
optional">@optionalread / write
- vm ↔ VMRef?
The vm with which this event is associated.
optional">@optionalread / write
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.