EventKind class Null safety

Adding new values to EventKind is considered a backwards compatible change. Clients should ignore unrecognized events.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


kBreakpointAdded → const String
A breakpoint has been added for an isolate.
kBreakpointRemoved → const String
A breakpoint has been removed.
kBreakpointResolved → const String
An unresolved breakpoint has been resolved for an isolate.
kBreakpointUpdated → const String
A breakpoint has been updated.
kCpuSamples → const String
A block of recently collected CPU samples.
kExtension → const String
Event from dart:developer.postEvent.
kGC → const String
A garbage collection event.
kInspect → const String
Notification from dart:developer.inspect.
kIsolateExit → const String
Notification that an isolate has exited.
kIsolateReload → const String
Notification that an isolate has been reloaded.
kIsolateRunnable → const String
Notification that an isolate is ready to run.
kIsolateStart → const String
Notification that a new isolate has started.
kIsolateUpdate → const String
Notification that isolate identifying information has changed. Currently used to notify of changes to the isolate debugging name via setName.
kLogging → const String
Event from dart:developer.log.
kNone → const String
Indicates an isolate is not yet runnable. Only appears in an Isolate's pauseEvent. Never sent over a stream.
kPauseBreakpoint → const String
An isolate has paused at a breakpoint or due to stepping.
kPauseException → const String
An isolate has paused due to an exception.
kPauseExit → const String
An isolate has paused at exit, before terminating.
kPauseInterrupted → const String
An isolate has paused due to interruption via pause.
kPausePostRequest → const String
An isolate has paused after a service request.
kPauseStart → const String
An isolate has paused at start, before executing code.
kResume → const String
An isolate has started or resumed execution.
kServiceExtensionAdded → const String
Notification that an extension RPC was registered on an isolate.
kServiceRegistered → const String
Notification that a Service has been registered into the Service Protocol from another client.
kServiceUnregistered → const String
Notification that a Service has been removed from the Service Protocol from another client.
kTimelineEvents → const String
A block of timeline events has been completed.
kTimelineStreamSubscriptionsUpdate → const String
The set of active timeline streams was changed via setVMTimelineFlags.
kUserTagChanged → const String
Notification that the UserTag for an isolate has been changed.
kVMFlagUpdate → const String
Notification that a VM flag has been changed via the service protocol.
kVMUpdate → const String
Notification that VM identifying information has changed. Currently used to notify of changes to the VM debugging name via setVMName.
kWriteEvent → const String
Notification of bytes written, for example, to stdout/stderr.