Instance class Null safety

An Instance represents an instance of the Dart language class Obj.

Implemented types


Instance({String? kind, int? identityHashCode, ClassRef? classRef, required String id, String? valueAsString, bool? valueAsStringIsTruncated, int? length, int? offset, int? count, String? name, ClassRef? typeClass, ClassRef? parameterizedClass, InstanceRef? returnType, List<Parameter>? parameters, List<InstanceRef>? typeParameters, List<BoundField>? fields, List? elements, List<MapAssociation>? associations, String? bytes, InstanceRef? mirrorReferent, InstanceRef? pattern, FuncRef? closureFunction, ContextRef? closureContext, bool? isCaseSensitive, bool? isMultiLine, InstanceRef? propertyKey, InstanceRef? propertyValue, TypeArgumentsRef? typeArguments, int? parameterIndex, InstanceRef? targetType, InstanceRef? bound, int? portId, InstanceRef? allocationLocation, String? debugName})


allocationLocation InstanceRef?
The stack trace associated with the allocation of a ReceivePort.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
associations List<MapAssociation>?
The elements of a Map instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
bound InstanceRef?
The bound of a TypeParameter or BoundedType.
optional">@optionalread / write
bytes String?
The bytes of a TypedData instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
classRef ClassRef?
Instance references always include their class.
read / writeoverride
closureContext ContextRef?
The context associated with a Closure instance.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
closureFunction FuncRef?
The function associated with a Closure instance.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
count int?
The number of elements or associations or codeunits returned. This is only provided when it is less than length.
optional">@optionalread / write
debugName String?
A name associated with a ReceivePort used for debugging purposes.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
elements List?
The elements of a List instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
fields List<BoundField>?
The fields of this Instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
fixedId bool?
Provided and set to true if the id of an Object is fixed. If true, the id of an Object is guaranteed not to change or expire. The object may, however, still be Collected.
optional">@optionalread / writeinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
id String?
A unique identifier for an Object. Passed to the getObject RPC to reload this Object.
read / writeinherited
identityHashCode int?
The identityHashCode assigned to the allocated object. This hash code is the same as the hash code provided in HeapSnapshot and CpuSample's returned by getAllocationTraces().
read / writeoverride
isCaseSensitive bool?
Whether this regular expression is case sensitive.
optional">@optionalread / write
isMultiLine bool?
Whether this regular expression matches multiple lines.
optional">@optionalread / write
json Map<String, dynamic>?
read / writeinherited
kind String?
What kind of instance is this?
read / writeoverride
length int?
The length of a List or the number of associations in a Map or the number of codeunits in a String.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
mirrorReferent InstanceRef?
The referent of a MirrorReference instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
name String?
The name of a Type instance.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
offset int?
The index of the first element or association or codeunit returned. This is only provided when it is non-zero.
optional">@optionalread / write
parameterIndex int?
The index of a TypeParameter instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
parameterizedClass ClassRef?
The parameterized class of a type parameter:
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
parameters List<Parameter>?
The list of parameter types for a function.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
pattern InstanceRef?
The pattern of a RegExp instance.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
portId int?
The port ID for a ReceivePort.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
propertyKey InstanceRef?
The key for a WeakProperty instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
propertyValue InstanceRef?
The key for a WeakProperty instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
returnType InstanceRef?
The return type of a function.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
size int?
The size of this object in the heap.
optional">@optionalread / writeinherited
targetType InstanceRef?
The type bounded by a BoundedType instance - or - the referent of a TypeRef instance.
optional">@optionalread / write
type String
typeArguments TypeArgumentsRef?
The type arguments for this type.
optional">@optionalread / write
typeClass ClassRef?
The corresponding Class if this Type is canonical.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
typeParameters List<InstanceRef>?
The type parameters for a function.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
valueAsString String?
The value of this instance as a string.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride
valueAsStringIsTruncated bool?
The valueAsString for String references may be truncated. If so, this property is added with the value 'true'.
optional">@optionalread / writeoverride


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

parse(Map<String, dynamic>? json) Instance?