InstanceKind class Null safety

Adding new values to InstanceKind is considered a backwards compatible change. Clients should treat unrecognized instance kinds as PlainInstance.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


kBool → const String
true or false.
kBoundedType → const String
An instance of the Dart class BoundedType.
kClosure → const String
An instance of the built-in VM Closure implementation. User-defined Closures will be PlainInstance.
kDouble → const String
An instance of the Dart class double.
kFloat32List → const String
kFloat32x4 → const String
Vector instance kinds.
kFloat32x4List → const String
kFloat64List → const String
kFloat64x2 → const String
kFloat64x2List → const String
kFunctionType → const String
An instance of the Dart class FunctionType.
kInt → const String
An instance of the Dart class int.
kInt8List → const String
kInt16List → const String
kInt32List → const String
kInt32x4 → const String
kInt32x4List → const String
kInt64List → const String
kList → const String
An instance of the built-in VM List implementation. User-defined Lists will be PlainInstance.
kMap → const String
An instance of the built-in VM Map implementation. User-defined Maps will be PlainInstance.
kMirrorReference → const String
An instance of the Dart class MirrorReference.
kNull → const String
null instance.
kPlainInstance → const String
A general instance of the Dart class Object.
kReceivePort → const String
An instance of the Dart class ReceivePort.
kRegExp → const String
An instance of the Dart class RegExp.
kStackTrace → const String
An instance of the Dart class StackTrace.
kString → const String
An instance of the Dart class String.
kType → const String
An instance of the Dart class Type.
kTypeParameter → const String
An instance of the Dart class TypeParameter.
kTypeRef → const String
An instance of the Dart class TypeRef.
kUint8ClampedList → const String
An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
kUint8List → const String
kUint16List → const String
kUint32List → const String
kUint64List → const String
kWeakProperty → const String
An instance of the Dart class WeakProperty.