CharacterActivator constructor Null safety

const CharacterActivator(
  1. String character,
  2. {bool control = false,
  3. bool meta = false,
  4. bool includeRepeats = true}

Triggered when the key event yields the given character.

The control and meta flags represent whether the respect modifier keys should be held (true) or released (false). They default to false. CharacterActivator can not check Shift keys or Alt keys yet, and will accept whether they are pressed or not.

By default, the activator is checked on all RawKeyDownEvent events for the character. If includeRepeats is false, only the character events with a false RawKeyDownEvent.repeat attribute will be considered.


const CharacterActivator(this.character, {
  this.control = false,
  this.meta = false,
  this.includeRepeats = true,