overflowAlignment property Null safety

OverflowBarAlignment overflowAlignment

The horizontal alignment of the children within the vertical "overflow" layout.

This parameter is only used if the horizontal layout overflows, i.e. if there isn't enough horizontal room for the children and spacing. In that case the overflow bar will expand to fill the available width and it will layout its children in a column. The horizontal alignment of each child within that column is defined by this parameter and the textDirection. If the textDirection is TextDirection.ltr then each child will be aligned with the left edge of the available space for OverflowBarAlignment.start, with the right edge of the available space for OverflowBarAlignment.end. Similarly, if the textDirection is TextDirection.rtl then each child will be aligned with the right edge of the available space for OverflowBarAlignment.start, and with the left edge of the available space for OverflowBarAlignment.end. For OverflowBarAlignment.center each child is horizontally centered within the available space.

Defaults to OverflowBarAlignment.start.

See also:


final OverflowBarAlignment overflowAlignment;