RestorableProperty<T> class Null safety

Manages an object of type T, whose value a State object wants to have restored during state restoration.

The property wraps an object of type T. It knows how to store its value in the restoration data and it knows how to re-instantiate that object from the information it previously stored in the restoration data.

The knowledge of how to store the wrapped object in the restoration data is encoded in the toPrimitives method and the knowledge of how to re-instantiate the object from that data is encoded in the fromPrimitives method. A call to toPrimitives must return a representation of the wrapped object that can be serialized with the StandardMessageCodec. If any collections (e.g. Lists, Maps, etc.) are returned, they must not be modified after they have been returned from toPrimitives. At a later point in time (which may be after the application restarted), the data obtained from toPrimitives may be handed back to the property's fromPrimitives method to restore it to the previous state described by that data.

A RestorableProperty needs to be registered to a RestorationMixin using a restoration ID that is unique within the mixin. The RestorationMixin provides and manages the RestorationBucket, in which the data returned by toPrimitives is stored.

Whenever the value returned by toPrimitives (or the enabled getter) changes, the RestorableProperty must call notifyListeners. This will trigger the RestorationMixin to update the data it has stored for the property in its RestorationBucket to the latest information returned by toPrimitives.

When the property is registered with the RestorationMixin, the mixin checks whether there is any restoration data available for the property. If data is available, the mixin calls fromPrimitives on the property, which must return an object that matches the object the property wrapped when the provided restoration data was obtained from toPrimitives. If no restoration data is available to restore the property's wrapped object from, the mixin calls createDefaultValue. The value returned by either of those methods is then handed to the property's initWithValue method.

Usually, subclasses of RestorableProperty hold on to the value provided to them in initWithValue and make it accessible to the State object that owns the property. This RestorableProperty base class, however, has no opinion about what to do with the value provided to initWithValue.

The RestorationMixin may call fromPrimitives/createDefaultValue followed by initWithValue multiple times throughout the life of a RestorableProperty: Whenever new restoration data is made available to the RestorationMixin the property is registered with, the cycle of calling fromPrimitives (if the new restoration data contains information to restore the property from) or createDefaultValue (if no information for the property is available in the new restoration data) followed by a call to initWithValue repeats. Whenever initWithValue is called, the property should forget the old value it was wrapping and re-initialize itself with the newly provided value.

In a typical use case, a subclass of RestorableProperty is instantiated either to initialize a member variable of a State object or within State.initState. It is then registered to a RestorationMixin in RestorationMixin.restoreState and later disposeed in State.dispose. For less common use cases (e.g. if the value stored in a RestorableProperty is only needed while the State object is in a certain state), a RestorableProperty may be registered with a RestorationMixin any time after RestorationMixin.restoreState has been called for the first time. A RestorableProperty may also be unregistered from a RestorationMixin before the owning State object is disposed by calling RestorationMixin.unregisterFromRestoration. This is uncommon, though, and will delete the information that the property contributed from the restoration data (meaning the value of the property will no longer be restored during a future state restoration).

See also:





enabled bool
Whether the object currently returned by toPrimitives should be included in the restoration state.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
isRegistered bool
Whether this property is currently registered with a RestorationMixin.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
state State<StatefulWidget>
The State object that this property is registered with.


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
createDefaultValue() → T
Called by the RestorationMixin if no restoration data is available to restore the value of the property from to obtain the default value for the property.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
fromPrimitives(Object? data) → T
Called by the RestorationMixin to convert the data previously retrieved from toPrimitives back into an object of type T that this property should wrap.
initWithValue(T value) → void
Called by the RestorationMixin with the value returned by either createDefaultValue or fromPrimitives to set the value that this property currently wraps.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
toPrimitives() Object?
Called by the RestorationMixin to retrieve the information that this property wants to store in the restoration data.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.