AccessibilityChannel |
System channel that sends accessibility requests and events from Flutter to Android.
DeferredComponentChannel |
Method channel that handles manual installation requests and queries for installation state for
deferred components.
KeyEventChannel |
Event message channel for key events to/from the Flutter framework.
KeyEventChannel.FlutterKeyEvent |
A key event as defined by Flutter.
LifecycleChannel |
TODO(mattcarroll): fill in javadoc for LifecycleChannel.
LocalizationChannel |
Sends the platform's locales to Dart.
MouseCursorChannel |
System channel that receives requests for mouse cursor behavior, e.g., set as system cursors.
NavigationChannel |
TODO(mattcarroll): fill in javadoc for NavigationChannel.
PlatformChannel |
System channel that receives requests for host platform behavior, e.g., haptic and sound effects,
system chrome configurations, and clipboard interaction.
PlatformChannel.AppSwitcherDescription |
The color and label of an application that appears in Android's app switcher, AKA recents
PlatformChannel.SystemChromeStyle |
The color and brightness of system chrome, e.g., status bar and system navigation bar.
PlatformViewsChannel |
System channel that sends 2-way communication between Flutter and Android to facilitate embedding
of Android Views within a Flutter application.
PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewBufferSize |
The platform view buffer size.
PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewCreationRequest |
Request sent from Flutter to create a new platform view.
PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewResizeRequest |
Request sent from Flutter to resize a platform view.
PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewTouch |
The state of a touch event in Flutter within a platform view.
RestorationChannel |
System channel to exchange restoration data between framework and engine.
SettingsChannel |
SettingsChannel.MessageBuilder |
SpellCheckChannel |
SpellCheckChannel is a platform channel that is used by the framework to initiate spell
check in the embedding and for the embedding to send back the results.
SystemChannel |
TODO(mattcarroll): fill in javadoc for SystemChannel.
TextInputChannel |
TextInputChannel is a platform channel between Android and Flutter that is used to
communicate information about the user's text input.
TextInputChannel.Configuration |
A text editing configuration.
TextInputChannel.Configuration.Autofill |
TextInputChannel.InputType |
A text input type.
TextInputChannel.TextEditState |
State of an on-going text editing session.