Class ErrorLogResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorLogResult

        public ErrorLogResult​(String tag)
      • ErrorLogResult

        public ErrorLogResult​(String tag,
                              int level)
    • Method Detail

      • success

        public void success​(@Nullable
                            Object result)
        Description copied from interface: MethodChannel.Result
        Handles a successful result.
        Specified by:
        success in interface MethodChannel.Result
        result - The result, possibly null. The result must be an Object type supported by the codec. For instance, if you are using StandardMessageCodec (default), please see its documentation on what types are supported.
      • error

        public void error​(String errorCode,
                          String errorMessage,
                          Object errorDetails)
        Description copied from interface: MethodChannel.Result
        Handles an error result.
        Specified by:
        error in interface MethodChannel.Result
        errorCode - An error code String.
        errorMessage - A human-readable error message String, possibly null.
        errorDetails - Error details, possibly null. The details must be an Object type supported by the codec. For instance, if you are using StandardMessageCodec (default), please see its documentation on what types are supported.