Class TraceSection

  • public final class TraceSection
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • TraceSection

        public TraceSection()
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        public static void begin​(@NonNull
                                 String sectionName)
        Wraps Trace.beginSection to ensure that the line length stays below 127 code units.
        sectionName - The string to display as the section name in the trace.
      • beginAsyncSection

        public static void beginAsyncSection​(String sectionName,
                                             int cookie)
        Wraps Trace.beginAsyncSection to ensure that the line length stays below 127 code units.
        sectionName - The string to display as the section name in the trace.
        cookie - Unique integer defining the section.
      • endAsyncSection

        public static void endAsyncSection​(String sectionName,
                                           int cookie)
        Wraps Trace.endAsyncSection to ensure that the line length stays below 127 code units.