Class ViewUtils

  • public final class ViewUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewUtils

        public ViewUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getActivity

        public static Activity getActivity​(@Nullable
                                           Context context)
        Retrieves the Activity from a given Context.

        This method will recursively traverse up the context chain if it is a ContextWrapper until it finds the first instance of the base context that is an Activity.

      • generateViewId

        public static int generateViewId​(int fallbackId)
        Generates a view id.

        In API level 17 and above, this ID is unique. Below 17, the fallback id is used instead.

        fallbackId - the fallback id.
        the view id.
      • childHasFocus

        public static boolean childHasFocus​(@Nullable
                                            View root)
        Determines if the current view or any descendant view has focus.
        root - The root view.
        True if the current view or any descendant view has focus.
      • hasChildViewOfType

        public static boolean hasChildViewOfType​(@Nullable
                                                 View root,
                                                 Class<? extends View>[] viewTypes)
        Returns true if the root or any child view is an instance of the given types.
        root - The root view.
        viewTypes - The types of views.
        true if any child view is an instance of any of the given types.
      • traverseHierarchy

        public static boolean traverseHierarchy​(@Nullable
                                                View root,
                                                ViewUtils.ViewVisitor visitor)
        Traverses the view hierarchy in pre-order and runs the visitor for each child view including the root view.

        If the visitor returns true, the traversal stops, and the method returns true.

        If the visitor returns false, the traversal continues until all views are visited.

        root - The root view.
        visitor - The visitor.
        true if the visitor returned true for a given view.